so:but[and]= at The Orchard School (New Hampshire, the United States)

しょうぶ学園ドキュメンタリーフィルム「so : but [and] = − あらかじめ, 情動の. 」は、いよいよアメリカへと旅立ちます。

ドキュメンタリー映画 「so : but [and] = ーあらかじめ, 情動の. 」/ オフィシャルサイト
so : but [and] = − あらかじめ, 情動の. 予告編

【会場】The Orchard School  (114 Old Settlers Rd, Alstead, New Hampshire 03602)
【日時】7月21日 (Thu)   19:00〜

The Orchard School ウェブサイト


The film is titled, “so : but [and] = 1,2,3,4”. It features a band, otto & orabu, formed at Shobu Gakuen, a care facility and center for arts and music for the people with different abilities in Kagoshima, Southern Japan. At Shobu Gakuen the unexpected expressions, emotions, and behavior of their facility users are all considered‘originality’and they are respected and supported. The band, otto & orabu is known for its unsystematic and spontaneous but instinctively soothing sound. The film gradually reveals the magic and beauty of their music.
Shobu Gakuen also produces a great variety of art and craft work which is often described as unique, hard to imitate and beautiful.
The film invites you into an amazingly creative and caring world that is set in a beautiful natural environment. It offers the opportunities for you to think about not only disability and the arts but also humanity with a larger scope.

The film is 75 minutes long. Producer: Toshiko Iwata Director: Atsushi Masegi Produced by: I have a dream (Nagoya, Japan)

映画so:but [and] =1,2,3,4は、知的障害者施設のしょうぶ学園の音楽パフォーマンスグループ「otto & orabu」や、学園でその他繰り広げられている創作、表現活動の在り方中心に描かれている。
学園では、園生達の様々に揺れ動く感情の動きや行動を「個性」とし、尊重し支援されている。また「otto & orabu」の創り出す音楽は、自然にできあがったズレや不規則な音が絶妙に響き合い、それは聞くもの達に心地良さを呼び起こす。

75分、カラー プロデューサー:イワタトシ子 監督:柵木志 企画:NPO法人 I have a dream
